Wednesday, January 27, 2010


so ive been busy the last week or so so there will be a delay in the posting but i will catch up...

Monday, January 18, 2010

365 Project Day #18

So our mouse Diamond died last night. I would normally just playfully blow in the cage to see her scurry and when i did last night she didnt move. My room mate went in the cage and found she had died. He was nice enough to get rid of her body for me. I've never been able to do that. I dont think Trin understands what going on at all yet which i guess is good. I actually would be ok getting her another mouse sometime soon. They just dont live very long and its sad when they die.


365 Project Day #17

So the Training pants are working quite well, along with a talk Trin and I had. Shes telling us when she has to go potty and then goes and does it in her potty. Sometimes she says she has too and really doesnt but most the time she sits and a few seconds later its, "I went potty Momma!" I'm hopping things will keep going this way and shell be potty trained soon!!

365 Project Day #16

So my friend Brianna is going to college in San Marcos and so my friend April threw her a going away party. It was lots of fun, dancing, singing and silly people. By the end of the night Bri and April were so tired they passed out. And one of my best friends got her boy back. It was a good night!

365 Project Day #15

So these look like panties but they are actually one of three pairs of training pants we bought for Trin to help her potty train. They have a thicker padding in the middle and we also bought some plastic covers in case she makes a mess. I'm hoping it spends up the potty training process.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

365 Project Day #14

So I have become addicted to these things lately...keeps my snacking craving at bay most of the time and they are just good. So when we went shopping the other day, i bought enough bags to last my room mate and I a long, long time.

365 Project Day #13

So wednesday is Ladies Night at Grahams Central Station. Now I dont go all the time but some times its just night to get out with my friends and have a good time. The night at Grahams was kinda short and then we hung out with some other friends. It was an interesting night to say the least, one that wont soon be forgotten.

365 Project Day #12

So the food stamps was refilled today and we were able to go shopping. We got a lot of things, some of which to help me with my goal to lose weight. Im hoping that this will last us a while and that we can stretch it as far as we can.

Monday, January 11, 2010

365 Project Day #11

So as I said we spent the weekend at my Grandparents house. These are them, my Grammy and Granddad. Well since Trinity has a Grammy and Granddaddy, we had to come up with something different for her to call them. As a suggestion from my Grandmother, they are now Mop and Pop. She would call Mop Mop and call Pop Pop but sometimesshe was calling him Mopandpop. Cracked us all up. She had fun playing with Mop's toys that she keeps in the front room and particularly a cat that meows and purrs when you touch it. She had a hard time making sure it wasnt real...having to be careful when she held it afraid it was going to like run away or something. She loved playing with all the old toys that we played with as kids. I enjoyed being in the house again...remembering everything. Things seem so much smaller than they did before...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

365 Project Day #10

So we went outside today to play in the yard at my grandparents house. It's shocking how long I've been away and how long its been since I've been in the yard. The difference amazes me. The backyard used to basically have a forest and a creek behind it and now there are MUCH less trees and lots of roads and fields behind what trees are left. But the yard was covered in leaves and Trinity loves to stomp through leaves because she loves the sounds she hears when she does it. We also did what my brother, sisters, and I used to do when we were younger and would come here. We looked for pinecones and I plan to, like my mother does, make something crafty with them. I'll definately post pics of the finished product.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

365 Project Day #9

So we went to Houston, actually Friendswood, today to visit my grandparents. I love that, in this picture, Trinity is playing with the same toys that me and my siblings played with as kids. She loved looking at all the toys that my Grandmother keeps with her in the living room. She particularly was interested in a cat that meows and purrs and had a hard time telling if it was real or not. Shes not sure what to do with it cuz she doesnt want to hurt it thinking its real.

Friday, January 8, 2010

365 Project Day #8

Ok so after a week of waiting the dryer has finally returned and, after having to come back and fix it again, it is now working properly and I was able to do my laundry. Well I'm going out of town tomorrow so I can visit with my grandparents. So I spent the evening, after the dryer came back, doing laundry and packing for the trip. Man I can't wait its going to be fun and Trin is so excited to get to see her "Mop and Pop". :D

365 Project Day #7

So this space is where the dryer normally lives...well the day before new years eve, it decided it didnt want to tumble. So, since the washer/dryer is on the rent and we get free repairs, my room mate went to the office and told them the prob and asked them to fix it. Well a guy came and was working on it and then went to find the part needed. Turns out, since he was doing this new years eve, that they didnt have the part to fix it here and by that time, it was like 3 pm, all stores to get a new one were closed and that he could come back and fix it monday. So I waited for what seemed like a weekend that lasted forever and then monday came. No one came to fix it, Tuesday nothing. So my room mate went again to see what was going on. Turns out they had to order the part from Austin and it wasnt going to be in till the next day. Well the next day, Wednesday, still no one came. So i was starting to get upset because everyone knows when you have a young child, laundry is something you cant just not do. So finally they came and took it today to either repair it or bring us a new one and my room mate told me they said theyd be back with it today. They were wrong i spent the whole day waiting and waiting and waiting and they never came with it. Hopefully tomorrow.......

Thursday, January 7, 2010

365 Project Day #6

So for days now Trin has been running over next to the table and the fridge and saying..."A phone a phone!!!" She has 3 cell phones, one is a princess play phone and the other two are old cell phones that no longer work. Well I thought she was just being silly and saying there was a phone there when there really wasnt cuz i knew where all her phones were. Well today she said it again and my roommate asked her to get it and bring it to him. So she went over to this little space that is between the fridge and the table and picked up this tiny piece of plastic (pictured above). As you can see it looks almost exactly like a cell phone. So this silly, super smart little girl saw this tiny piece of plastic and thought it was a phone. She never ceases to amaze me!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

365 Project Day #5

So Trin and I spent some of tonight taking care of her baby doll, Lola. She was given to Trin by her grammy for Christmas 2008 and was given some more clothes and bottles by Momma for Christmas 2009. So we fed her, bathed her(with a rag and a tiny bit of soap on on the plastic parts), dressed her, and made her a lil bed to sleep in and then put her to bed in it. Trin was excited to to be taking care of her baby doll.

Monday, January 4, 2010

365 Project Day #4

So...looks like trash right? Wrong!! Lately Trinity has been very into music. Singing, drumming on the table. One day when I emptied the paper towel roll, she took and began using it like a microphone. So I promised her i would help he make one from the PT roll. Well I thought we could use TP rolls too so today we went to Michael's and used a christmas preset gift card I have to get some balls to put on were going to color them and decorate them and then jam out with them...I'll be sure to post pics as the project progresses

365 Project Day #3

So I spent most of today playing games which, other than taking care of Trin, i do alot of. These 2 are part of one of my favorite games series'. Its a Disney/Square-based RPG. I'm a HUGE Disney fan so thats one reason i love it so much. I tend to like the 2nd better cuz normally sequels are better than prequels. Kingdom Hearts 2 just has more you can do in it and more beloved Disney characters. But it can get irritating at times too, like all games.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

365 Project Day #2

so its obvious im a lil behind, 2009 was a crazy year for me and so i was never really able to finish Trin's second year scrapbook. Let alone even start on her third...not to many pictures of 2009 were taken cuz i was a rough and strange year. my new years resolution this year is to finish the projects i have been putting off...this is one of them. I intend to finish this scrapbook and hopefully make her 3rd year one as well. also have 2 other cross stitch projects i want to get done as well...i hope this year is better than the last