Monday, August 2, 2010


So wow I haven't posted in a while...with everything that has been going on I kinda gave up on the whole 365 day thing...oh Trin is potty trained now all except for at night when she wears a pull-up to bed...she is smarter and smarter with each day and loves to do things like color, go bowling, and sing...she is going to be attending VBS next week and I am hoping to get lots of pictures...since I will hopefully be leading the group(crew) that she will be in I don't think I will personally be able to take the pictures myself...hopefully there will be someone who can take some for me...

we moved to a bigger apartment in the beginning of june...Trin has her own room and her own space for her toy and clothes and things...she loves it but still like to play in the living room too...the extra space is nice there is much more room to spread out and just live normal life...Trin loves to make up her own little stories whether she is reading a book or just playing with her day she told me some of her toys were going bowling...It was very funny...

She loves to be at her Grammy's house and spend time with her Grammy and her Auntie B...she loves it when her Grandaddy and Auntie Artha are there too and on occasion her Uncle Austin...She has started having an attitude problem where she says things to be with a big attitude like tone in her voice...hopefully that will pass with time...:/

thats all for now...I am going to try and update more often these days :/